#MeatballMonday - Current Vibe - Holiday Traditions

Eight-legged Meatbeastie

Are you in the mood for meatballs, but you need a special occasion to justify the effort? Saturday is World Octopus Day! Celebrate our otherworldly ocean neighbors with this very simple plate presentation. This format also doubles as a Halloween spider, so freeze the extra meatballs for a quick meal before Trick-or-Treat.

Cute, but not “too cute to eat” cute.

I can waste a lot of time looking at pictures of crazy foods, especially sculptures with a holiday theme. And it’s really wasted time, as I don’t waste food and money creating something that nobody in my circle wants to eat (for whatever reason–dyes, sugar, contradictory flavors, “Americanness”…). Then I saw this little guy on a German website, and he is 100% made of foods we eat regularly: A Frikadelle, some red bell pepper (rote Paprika), mayonnaise. We ate all the leftover raw pepper strips with our meal, so no waste there!

The eyeballs are Kapern, capers, which was a new ingredient for me, and now that I have a jar open in the fridge, I’m going to be putting eyeballs on all my sandwiches. Note: I found the original recipe a bit dry, but today’s #MeatballMonday is all about creative plating, so use your own favorite non-sauced meatball, then sit back and accept the accolades!

Miss Hannele with her Meatbeastie.

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