
RadishFlix 2021: Preliminary Findings

I’m 16 movies into 2022, and I still don’t know how many movies I saw with German-language audio last year…

2021 ended with a total of 175 movies, down about 12%. I am good with this.

The easiest information to tease out of the IMDB data dump, at least for movies more than ten years old, is the country of origin. Recent movies list the country where the funding came from*, which is often not where the production company sits or where the film was intended to be released first. For example, The Nut Job is listed as “Canadian” but it was made in South Korea.

You will notice “Czechoslovakia” but no “Czech Republic”, because the four films I saw were produced during the Soviet Occupation. “Divided Germany” and “Reunited Germany” are nearly equal, which is amusing but also annoying because I thought I saw more Easterns than I actually did.

To my shame, I did not finish the entire Godzilla box set before it had to be returned to the library.

CountryNumber of Films
East Germany5
West Germany7

Yeah, that’s a lot of American films. I can’t do patchwork and read subtitles at the same time.

I was very surprised at how tall the bar is on the right-hand side of this chart, because I think of myself as preferring vintage films. The feature-length documentary films may be skewing this statistic.

*We just saw the terrific mini-series Around the World in 80 Days with David Tennant, which was filmed in English but in addition to BBC funding, also received funds from the government television in Germany, France, and Italy, which all aired them in their local language. So I guess it’s British? But it’s also French and Italian…

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