
RadishFlix 2021: Highlights of KW12

Just one non-Godzilla movie this week. Instead I saw some baseball, a French documentary about the Valois kings, that Netflix thing about Samurai, and Detectorists. Also my new heroes are the old guys digitizing their VHS collections and uploading it all to YouTube. I don’t know why.

The Swimsuit Issue (2008)

Netflix, Swedish with English subtitles
You know what drives me nuts about subtitles? When they disappear in the scenes where the characters switch to English. Language barrier is not the only reason people (me) need them–there’s hearing damage, heavy accents, eating chips.

Rant over. This felt like a Kevin James or maybe Adam Sandler movie; middle-aged non-custodial dad trying to impress his teenager with a quirky gimmick, with his group of dad buddies. In this one, the men form a synchronized swimming team to compete in the world championship in Berlin, and because it’s a movie they go from couch to top of the world in just a few months.

Fun detail: The daughter hangs a poster for the Swedish release of Neptune’s Daughter in her bedroom.

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