
RadishFlix 2021: Highlights of KW05

Highlights…yeah. It’s two movies. Private Eyes Season 4 finally hit German TV, and Mr Radish and I are watching Star Trek: Lower Decks on Amazon even though it’s terrible and we don’t laugh at all.

I spent the better part of three days’ couch time this week watching Series IV, V, and XII of Red Dwarf in preparation for Holly Hop 2021, a virtual fan con which was smeggin’ brilliant. (I think the last fan event I attended was the 1998 X-Files Expo at Mare Island, but when meatspace Red Dwarf meetings resume I hope there’s a streaming option for international fans. I had that much fun. And there was no waiting in line for the ladies’ room.)

Hannele is a dressed hologram from the Series V episode “Holoship” because she *wanted* to be and not because it was the best last-minute costume I could throw together with materials from my own stash. Really.

Spaceballs (1987)

Kabel Eins, Deutsch
Swallow whatever beverage you’re drinking before reading further because I am going to shock you: if you have only ever seen this movie in German, it is not the least bit funny at all. The Schwarz is “Der Saft”–the juice. Barf is “Walli”–a normal name for a dog. “Use the liquid juice!” Yawn and yawn. The voice actress for Dot Matrix gave a valiant attempt but could not equal Joan Rivers.

Another movie I was not allowed to see until I left home but have previously enjoyed over and over, this rewatch was disappointing but I enjoyed a few real laughs at the visual jokes and was able to play the other jokes in my head. I think it held up. I might have to explain to a nephew what video tape is, but I think he’d get all the sci-fi parody bits. In English.

Note to self: Assume all the synchronization of all the movies are always wrong.

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)

Netflix, original
Somehow this movie–with a sex scene, gasp!–got past the parental censors, so I first saw it when beating up the Russian Premier was actually kind of edgy. I have a feeling it’s been quoted and memed and parodied(!) to death, but I’d forgotten how funny the baseball game was and had several genuine laughs.

I’ve been scared to watch movies I liked when I was fifteen in case I’ve changed too much, but other than laughing more every time something happens to Nordberg than I did back then, it seems I haven’t. Phew.