Hannele - Memes

Lego Memes for Star Wars Day (with bonus pics)

I’m actually not a fan of Star Wars Day–it was fun when it was a nerd niche, before Disney monetized it, but now it’s a sad shadow of it former self, and annoyingly obligatory. But a few weeks ago I realized the Winnie the Pooh’s House and the Yoda’s House Lego sets are basically the same set. Sitting, sleeping, cooking, and eating areas all inside a little enclosure that’s open for play, and some nifty features on the outside for re-enacting favorite scenes. The Pooh House has a lot more detail but sadly lacks Kanga, Roo, and Owl.

Anyway, some crossover memes. Bonus points if you recognize the last one has a third fandom ham-handedly mashed into it. Please feel free to steal and recirculate these: that’s the whole point of memes.

“Laugh, you must.”
I keep meaning to play Poohsticks in the Moosach.
It was probably the soup pot and the carrot that gave me the idea…

Bonus pics

This next one entertains me more than is prudent to admit.

Isn’t it funny
How a Jedi likes honey?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I wonder why he does?
What could go wrong?
I’m sure this is fine, Rabbit being the voice of reason and all…

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